Party better together, Please drink Responsible

BeatBox Beverages is committed to responsible drinking practices throughout our business. Specifically, we promote responsible drinking through combating underage drinking, preventing alcohol misuse, and supporting safe ride home programs.

Combat Underage Drinking

BeatBox combats underage drinking by strictly restricting our marketing, events and recruiting to 21 + audiences. We also work closely with our distributors and retail partners to ensure alcohol is not sold to minors in our distribution network. We also include multiple labels on our products prominently indicating our products contain alcohol, which is beyond federal and state labeling requirements.

Preventing misuse of alcohol

We clearly indicate the number of servings multiple times on the product packaging. BeatBox also works closely with our on-premise retailers and event management teams to ensure safe drinking practices. If you or someone you know may have a problem with alcohol, please visit the National Institute On Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) and alcoholism for a number of great resources.

safe rides home

BeatBox Beverages proudly sponsors safe rides home programs in local communities. we also work with rideservices such as lyft and uber to promote safe rides home. If you are a sate rides organization and are interested inbeing sponsored by beatbox, fill out the form below.